Wiki source code of Map Editor

Last modified by Simon Urli on 2020/03/20 18:00

Show last authors
1 {{include reference="Maps.Code.CommonMacros" /}}
3 {{velocity}}
4 #if ("$!request.action" == "createItems")
5 #set ($itemsSpace = $request.mapItemsSpace)
6 #set ($allMapItems = $request.mapItemsGeoJSON)
7 #set ($allMapItems = $allMapItems.replaceAll("'", "'"))
8 #set ($allMapItems = $jsontool.fromString($allMapItems))
9 ## Start processing each map item separately
10 #set ($pointCount = 0)
11 #set ($shapeCount = 0)
12 #if ($allMapItems.features.size() > 0)
13 == Pages created ==
14 #end
15 #foreach ($mapItem in $allMapItems.features)
16 ## Checking shape because circle's type is also "Point"
17 #set ($isShape = true)
18 #set ($title = "$!")
19 #if ("$!mapItem.geometry.type" == 'Point')
20 #if ("$!" == '')
21 #set ($isShape = false)
22 ## Its a point
23 #if ($title == '')
24 #set ($title = 'Point-' + $pointCount)
25 #set ($pointCount = $pointCount + 1)
26 #end
27 #set ($pointDoc = $xwiki.getDocument("${itemsSpace}.${title}"))
28 #set ($discard = $pointDoc.setTitle($title))
29 #set ($discard = $pointDoc.setContent($
30 #set ($pointObj = $pointDoc.newObject('Maps.Code.PointClass'))
31 #set ($discard = $pointObj.set('latitude', $mapItem.geometry.coordinates[1]))
32 #set ($discard = $pointObj.set('longitude', $mapItem.geometry.coordinates[0]))
33 #set ($includePopup = $
34 #if ($includePopup)
35 #set ($discard = $pointObj.set('includePopup', 1))
36 #else
37 #set ($discard = $pointObj.set('includePopup', 0))
38 #end
39 #set ($discard = $pointObj.set('options', $jsontool.serialize($
40 #set ($discard = $
41 * [[$pointDoc.fullName]]
42 #end
43 #end
44 ## Check if its a shape
45 #if ($isShape)
46 #if ($title == '')
47 #set ($title = 'Shape-' + $shapeCount)
48 #set ($shapeCount = $shapeCount + 1)
49 #end
50 #set ($shapeDoc = $xwiki.getDocument("${itemsSpace}.${title}"))
51 #set ($discard = $shapeDoc.setTitle($title))
52 #set ($discard = $shapeDoc.setContent($
53 #set ($shapeObj = $shapeDoc.newObject('Maps.Code.ShapeClass'))
54 #set ($includePopup = $
55 #if ($includePopup)
56 #set ($discard = $shapeObj.set('includePopup', 1))
57 #else
58 #set ($discard = $shapeObj.set('includePopup', 0))
59 #end
60 #set ($shapeGeoJSON = {"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [$mapItem]})
61 #set ($discard = $shapeObj.set('shapeGeoJSON', $jsontool.serialize($shapeGeoJSON)))
62 #set ($discard = $shapeObj.set('style', $jsontool.serialize($
63 #set ($discard = $
64 * [[$shapeDoc.fullName]]
65 #end
66 #end
67 #if ($allMapItems.features.size() > 0)
68 ----
69 #end
70 #end
71 #set ($discard = $xwiki.ssx.use('Maps.Code.LeafletUtils'))
72 #set ($discard = $xwiki.jsx.use('Maps.Code.LeafletUtils'))
73 #set ($discard = $xwiki.jsx.use('Maps.MapEditor'))
74 {{html wiki="true" clean="false"}}
75 (% class="row" %)(((
76 (% class="col-sm-12" %)(((
77 ## Preview of the map
78 <p class="xform"><span class="xHint">$services.localization.render('intmap.mapEditor.hint')</span></p>
79 (% class="map-wrapper" %)(((
80 <div class="map-preview map-editor-preview" id="map-${util.generateRandomString(5)}" style="width: 100%; height: 450px;"></div>
81 (% class="map-search-filter" %)(((
82 #displayLocationSearch()
83 )))
84 (% id="map-search-close" %)(((
85 <i class="fa fa-arrow-left"></i>
86 )))
87 (% id="map-item-properties" class="xform" %)(((
88 <dl>
89 <dt>
90 <label for="item-p-title">$services.localization.render('intmap.mapEditor.itemPropTitle')</label>
91 <span class="xHint">$services.localization.render('intmap.mapEditor.itemPropTitleHint')</span>
92 </dt>
93 <dd><input type="text" id="item-p-title" /></dd>
94 <dt>
95 <label for="item-p-content">$services.localization.render('intmap.mapEditor.itemPropContent')</label>
96 <span class="xHint">$services.localization.render('intmap.mapEditor.itemPropContentHint')</span>
97 </dt>
98 <dd><textarea id="item-p-content"></textarea></dd>
99 <dt>
100 <input type="checkbox" id="item-p-addPopup" />
101 <label for="item-p-addPopup">Add Popup</label>
102 </dt>
103 <dt>
104 <label for="item-p-style">$services.localization.render('intmap.mapEditor.itemPropStyle')</label>
105 <span class="xHint">$services.localization.render('intmap.mapEditor.itemPropStyleHint')</span>
106 </dt>
107 <dd><textarea id="item-p-style"></textarea></dd>
108 <button id="item-p-update" class="btn btn-primary" type="button">$services.localization.render('intmap.mapEditor.itemPropUpdate')</button>
109 <button id="item-p-delete" class="btn btn-danger" type="button">$services.localization.render('intmap.mapEditor.itemPropDelete')</button>
110 <button id="item-p-close" class="btn btn-secondary" type="button">$services.localization.render('intmap.mapEditor.itemPropClose')</button>
111 </dl>
112 )))
113 )))
114 ----
115 )))
116 (% class="col-sm-12" %)(((
117 <form class="xform" action="" method="POST">
118 <input type="hidden" id="mapItemsGeoJSON" name="mapItemsGeoJSON" />
119 <dl>
120 <dt>
121 <label for="mapItemsSpace">$services.localization.render('intmap.mapEditor.mapItemsSpace')</label>
122 <span class="xHint">$services.localization.render('intmap.mapEditor.mapItemsSpaceHint')</span>
123 </dt>
124 <dd>
125 <input type="text" id="mapItemsSpace" name="mapItemsSpace" />
126 </dd>
127 </dl>
128 <button class="btn btn-primary" name="action" value="createItems">$services.localization.render('intmap.mapEditor.createItems')</button>
129 </form>
130 )))
131 )))
132 {{/html}}
133 {{/velocity}}